Sample Message to Young Voters

Dear Student/Friend/Young Colleague/New Team Member:

2024 is another important election year. I am writing to encourage you to join me in exercising our civic duty by voting on Tuesday, August 6, voters in districts with contested primary elections will have the opportunity to vote during this first important step in our election process. On Tuesday, November 5 voters will go to the polls to choose from a broader slate of candidates in the 2024 General Election.

Kansans also have the opportunity to vote in advance. For details on advance voting and other and key election dates click here.

Your vote really does matter. This election, we are choosing the local leaders who will guide our present and our future. These are the candidates for U.S. Representative (Congressional District 3), the Kansas House and Senate, the Johnson County Board of County Commissioner, and the State Board of Education. If you don’t vote, you are leaving it others to make critical decisions regarding your future. Therefore, now is the perfect time to familiarize yourself with the voting process and the candidates.

According to data and analysis by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), only 45% of 18-29-year olds in Kansas voted in 2020, the last presidential election year. That number trails the national young voter turnout rates by 5 percentage points. If you want your voice to be heard and candidates who represent your views to help shape what the future looks like, then you need to vote for them. This is especially important in a primary election, where your vote is even more impactful.

To learn about voter registration, polling locations, advance voting, deadlines, and general voting questions, I encourage you to visit the Johnson County Election Office by clicking here. To learn about the candidates who are running, go to or follow VoteJoCo on YouTube.

Don’t miss out on this chance to vote for your future. Thank you in advance for voting and remember: as political scientist Larry Sabato wrote, “Every election is determined by the people who show up.”


[Insert name here]